23-24 Week of 3/25 – 3/29

This week Junior Gabe Araujo made progress on his Micro Mouse – an autonomous maze solving robot. He writes on his website:

This weeI worked on the code for the micromouse, and making it not hit a wall, I got pretty far with it, and the micromouse does not hit the walls anymore, but the code still needs to be worked on, as the micromouse is still not going straight, and it is going in the direction of the walls. After a little more time I will be able to make the micromouse go straight through the maze, and I will be adding to the maze, and make it bigger so that I can improve the code even further.

You can see code snippets and other photos on his website, linked here.

Senior Joao Luiz has been working on creating his own computer enclosure. He discusses the latest details on his website:

This week all of the physical parts of the computer fit so we are moving on to the code. I’m going to use the neopixel library in order to light the lights. Adafruit Neopixel Library: This is one of the most widely used libraries for controlling Neopixels with Arduino boards. It provides functions to easily set the color and brightness of individual Neopixels. I also worked on a bearing and wheel for the typewriter in order to turn smoothly.

See photos and more on his website, linked here.

Below are some photos of the Sophomores at work on their Sumobots. No date set for the competition, but we will update everybody once we finalize a time.